"...If I upset you don't stress
Never forget, that God isn't finished with me yet."
"During your life, never stop dreaming.
No one can take away your dreams"
"I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward."
"We wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun, well, we are the roses, this is the concrete and these are my damaged petals, dont ask me why, thank God and ask me how."
"My only fear of death is coming back reincarnated."
"To all the seeds that follow me
protect your essence
Born with less, but you still precious."
These are all the words of a man, misunderstood. This was a man who only wanted to come out of the life his circumstances borne him into. He loved art, and his creativity greatly surpassed that of his peers.
These are the words of Tupac Amaru Shakur who was born Lesane Parish Crooks. His mother was a paralegal and outstanding advocate for many Blacks in the Brooklyn, New York area.
HE was a visionary. Learn his life. Respect his art.
Just as your mind, spirit, and physical body all have voices, so does your heart. Your mind tells you what to do based on simple logic, your spirit drives a hunger for fulfillment beyond the tangible, and your physical body communicates needs based on biological processes. In contrast, your heart's voice is a soft, gentle one. This blog is me following my heart and sharing my experiences as I traverse the various obstacles that accompany being me...read to see what being "me" entails. :-)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Year for More...
This upcoming year I will pray more, study the Word more, read more, love more, love more genuinely, guard my heart better, be honest more, save $ more, be more disciplined, be a better steward over what I've been entrusted with, trust God more, trust God with my whole heart, smile more, laugh more, give more of my possessions, give more of my time, give more of myself, tithe faithfully, live this life God has blessed me with more fully, visit friends more, study harder, sleep more (lol), hug more, show more kindness, give more of my time, and be more sociable.
[Longest sentence ever, right? :)]
The list may seem extensive, but it's all possible and it WILL all get done. I'm not promising any minimum amount of time or effort into any one resolution, but just committing to do more than I have been doing.
My final 'to do' is to refrain from making promises to myself, that I know I can't keep. Being realistic with myself is vital to being sincere with others.
I wish you an extraordinarily blessed new year full of God's PERFECT LOVE!!!!!
This upcoming year I will pray more, study the Word more, read more, love more, love more genuinely, guard my heart better, be honest more, save $ more, be more disciplined, be a better steward over what I've been entrusted with, trust God more, trust God with my whole heart, smile more, laugh more, give more of my possessions, give more of my time, give more of myself, tithe faithfully, live this life God has blessed me with more fully, visit friends more, study harder, sleep more (lol), hug more, show more kindness, give more of my time, and be more sociable.
[Longest sentence ever, right? :)]
The list may seem extensive, but it's all possible and it WILL all get done. I'm not promising any minimum amount of time or effort into any one resolution, but just committing to do more than I have been doing.
My final 'to do' is to refrain from making promises to myself, that I know I can't keep. Being realistic with myself is vital to being sincere with others.
I wish you an extraordinarily blessed new year full of God's PERFECT LOVE!!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Birthday to Whom?
Just imagine with me…
You just woke up, and you just feel like today is going to be a wonderful day.
You roll out of bed and get fresh and clean for the day.
Your hair looks nice, and you smell extra good, because today is a special day.
Your cell phone rings. It’s your mom, and she wishes you a happy birthday.
Of course, it’s your birthday.
You expect this day to be special.
Now imagine that it’s a weekday, so you have obligations.
Your day has already been scripted. You only have left to follow that script that has been designed just for you.
You already know that so many people will call, text, and send you messages on facebook to remind you of how loved you are on your special day.
It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
The day is flying by.
Your agenda had already warned you that it would be an oddly busy day.
Upon checking your phone, you learn that no one has called, neither has anyone sent you any text messages.
“Maybe they’ll call later” you convince yourself.
Everyone is obviously just as busy as you are.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
They’ll catch up with me later.
It’s 6 o’clock in the evening.
Your day is pretty much done in the way of obligations, and now its time to have fun.
You call your friends to see what type of mischief you all can get into that evening.
Each person you call already has plans!
What friends these are.
Your family members didn’t even leave free time in their schedules to spend with you.
It’s 9:45 at night.
You’re not really sleepy or tired, but there isn’t much else to do, but watch tv and go to be.
You decide to retire early, somberly disappointed by all the people that you thought cared about you, that let you down on the one day a year that you feel that you deserve at least a little attention.
How would you feel?
Now, think about all the Christmases you’ve celebrated.
Not only do we neglect to acknowledge December 25th as the Lord’s special day, but we even go as far as to exchange presents with friends and family members on this day.
Imagine how God must feel.
He may get a ‘Thank you’ or an ‘I love you’ but is that all He deserves on a day that is supposed to celebrate Him and His precious Son?
Let’s make this holiday season different from all the others.
Let’s use this time to bless God by showing love to those who are less fortunate.
There are children and families all over the world who can’t afford to be selfish over the holidays, because they don’t have the resources to do so.
Remember them.
In addition to blessing those who really only need prayer and love, bless those who can truly benefit from the fruit of your labor.
Have a wonderful holiday season of showing love and blessing those who are not as financially stable as you and your family.
Leviticus 23:22 Deuteronomy 15:11 Luke 14:12-14 Luke 12:33
You just woke up, and you just feel like today is going to be a wonderful day.
You roll out of bed and get fresh and clean for the day.
Your hair looks nice, and you smell extra good, because today is a special day.
Your cell phone rings. It’s your mom, and she wishes you a happy birthday.
Of course, it’s your birthday.
You expect this day to be special.
Now imagine that it’s a weekday, so you have obligations.
Your day has already been scripted. You only have left to follow that script that has been designed just for you.
You already know that so many people will call, text, and send you messages on facebook to remind you of how loved you are on your special day.
It’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
The day is flying by.
Your agenda had already warned you that it would be an oddly busy day.
Upon checking your phone, you learn that no one has called, neither has anyone sent you any text messages.
“Maybe they’ll call later” you convince yourself.
Everyone is obviously just as busy as you are.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
They’ll catch up with me later.
It’s 6 o’clock in the evening.
Your day is pretty much done in the way of obligations, and now its time to have fun.
You call your friends to see what type of mischief you all can get into that evening.
Each person you call already has plans!
What friends these are.
Your family members didn’t even leave free time in their schedules to spend with you.
It’s 9:45 at night.
You’re not really sleepy or tired, but there isn’t much else to do, but watch tv and go to be.
You decide to retire early, somberly disappointed by all the people that you thought cared about you, that let you down on the one day a year that you feel that you deserve at least a little attention.
How would you feel?
Now, think about all the Christmases you’ve celebrated.
Not only do we neglect to acknowledge December 25th as the Lord’s special day, but we even go as far as to exchange presents with friends and family members on this day.
Imagine how God must feel.
He may get a ‘Thank you’ or an ‘I love you’ but is that all He deserves on a day that is supposed to celebrate Him and His precious Son?
Let’s make this holiday season different from all the others.
Let’s use this time to bless God by showing love to those who are less fortunate.
There are children and families all over the world who can’t afford to be selfish over the holidays, because they don’t have the resources to do so.
Remember them.
In addition to blessing those who really only need prayer and love, bless those who can truly benefit from the fruit of your labor.
Have a wonderful holiday season of showing love and blessing those who are not as financially stable as you and your family.
Leviticus 23:22 Deuteronomy 15:11 Luke 14:12-14 Luke 12:33
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Your World
I love you, my friend.
I appreciate the opportunity to call you friend.
There are over 6 billion people in this world, but God allowed me to be friends with you.
Have you ever thought about that?
Out of all the people in this world, there are certain people who are determined to hate you, there are others who are determined to love you and go out of their way to show you that love, and there are some people who couldn't care less about what happens to you.
Around you is a distinct network.
You almost have your own personal world.
In that world, you have people of all sizes and ages, and from all walks of life.
Your world has a nice mixture of personalities and characteristics.
This diverse, dynamic world is ever-expanding as you meet new people and as new lives are borne into the worlds of friends and loved ones.
The question is, how are you impacting the people in your world?
By what name do those people know you - grumpy, angry, wacky, discontent, unforgiving, rude, ungrateful, sweet, kind, thankful, humble, generous, compassionate, indifferent, selfish...the list is infinite?
Instead of passively allowing society and circumstances to impact you, actively decide what impact you will have on your immediate environment.
Live life; give love.
It's the most inexpensive gift you can give.
No Wal-Mart employee could possibly get trampled to death in customers' hot pursuit of a reasonable price on love.
It's an inherent, endless gift that we can give and give without ever concerning ourselves with whether we'll have enough to go around.
Give Love.
I appreciate the opportunity to call you friend.
There are over 6 billion people in this world, but God allowed me to be friends with you.
Have you ever thought about that?
Out of all the people in this world, there are certain people who are determined to hate you, there are others who are determined to love you and go out of their way to show you that love, and there are some people who couldn't care less about what happens to you.
Around you is a distinct network.
You almost have your own personal world.
In that world, you have people of all sizes and ages, and from all walks of life.
Your world has a nice mixture of personalities and characteristics.
This diverse, dynamic world is ever-expanding as you meet new people and as new lives are borne into the worlds of friends and loved ones.
The question is, how are you impacting the people in your world?
By what name do those people know you - grumpy, angry, wacky, discontent, unforgiving, rude, ungrateful, sweet, kind, thankful, humble, generous, compassionate, indifferent, selfish...the list is infinite?
Instead of passively allowing society and circumstances to impact you, actively decide what impact you will have on your immediate environment.
Live life; give love.
It's the most inexpensive gift you can give.
No Wal-Mart employee could possibly get trampled to death in customers' hot pursuit of a reasonable price on love.
It's an inherent, endless gift that we can give and give without ever concerning ourselves with whether we'll have enough to go around.
Give Love.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Just Not Tall Enough to Reach the Goals God has Set...
Have you ever felt like you just weren’t big enough?
Have you ever considered your abilities insufficient for the task you’ve been given – like there are sooo many other people better-suited for the job?
You’re tip-toeing around the thought of whether God actually meant to choose you.
You, the young person who never did anything right, who never seemed to live up to the person(s) your parents wanted you to emulate, who never gave your WHOLE life to God before, who hasn’t truly trusted a person in years, who’s not quite sure he/she knows how to love with longevity, but who is ready to trust God like you never have before, who is ready to love God genuinely and lengthily like you never have before, and who knows it’s time to turn it all over to Him.
It’s time to turn it all over to the God who was there when you lost friends to the cunning, cold hand of death: the God who continues to reach for your WHOLE heart although you have tried up until recently to keep parts of it just beyond His reach, the God who has always provided for you, and who has been the only man to TRULY care for you and every minute thing that was remotely related to you.
What a Love that is!
You are tall enough.
God is there lifting you to reach the goals He has for you.
Have you ever considered your abilities insufficient for the task you’ve been given – like there are sooo many other people better-suited for the job?
You’re tip-toeing around the thought of whether God actually meant to choose you.
You, the young person who never did anything right, who never seemed to live up to the person(s) your parents wanted you to emulate, who never gave your WHOLE life to God before, who hasn’t truly trusted a person in years, who’s not quite sure he/she knows how to love with longevity, but who is ready to trust God like you never have before, who is ready to love God genuinely and lengthily like you never have before, and who knows it’s time to turn it all over to Him.
It’s time to turn it all over to the God who was there when you lost friends to the cunning, cold hand of death: the God who continues to reach for your WHOLE heart although you have tried up until recently to keep parts of it just beyond His reach, the God who has always provided for you, and who has been the only man to TRULY care for you and every minute thing that was remotely related to you.
What a Love that is!
You are tall enough.
God is there lifting you to reach the goals He has for you.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Me and this heart of mine
I save text messages that touch my heart.
I save them, and I look at them occasionally, when I need a smile or when I need to be reminded that there are people who truly, selflessly care about me.
I smile to myself when I think of the small things people do just to show their humanity.
I have a sincere yearning for helping people.
I genuinely believe that one person can make a difference in another person’s life.
I’m not talking an Oprah difference, but I am thinking of an Oprah act.
What I mean there is that a minute gesture of kindness can have an immeasurable impact.
I long for love.
The love that I have to give is extraordinary and peerless.
To me, there’s no earthly love like the love I’m willing to give.
My only condition is that I receive that love in return.
For family and friends, I don’t mind if they don't equally reciprocate the love I show them, but the standard for the man with whom I’ll spend my remaining days is much higher.
On family: yes, they are my own blood, but they have their own households and their own families to maintain and show concern towards.
On friends: they have their own affairs and their own families. The only non-emotional link I have with friends is common interests, which is not exactly tantamount to genetic similarities.
It seems like the men I’ve recently encountered (I should just say man, because I’m actually only referring to my ex) want the sacrifice and the unconditional love they’re not willing to give themselves.
That’s just not for me.
I don’t want a man who accepts and embraces everything I am, without making sure I at least know and understand him in return.
That’s just not good enough.
Me and this heart of mine, we’re fragile.
We have become resilient over the years, but we just wish the emotional resilience we've developed wasn’t so necessary for survival in this world.
We patiently, but eagerly await our other half, anticipating the great victory of overcoming this insatiable yearning for compatibility.
We don’t know ourselves like God knows us, but as far as our meager understanding is concerned, we are ready for love.
I save them, and I look at them occasionally, when I need a smile or when I need to be reminded that there are people who truly, selflessly care about me.
I smile to myself when I think of the small things people do just to show their humanity.
I have a sincere yearning for helping people.
I genuinely believe that one person can make a difference in another person’s life.
I’m not talking an Oprah difference, but I am thinking of an Oprah act.
What I mean there is that a minute gesture of kindness can have an immeasurable impact.
I long for love.
The love that I have to give is extraordinary and peerless.
To me, there’s no earthly love like the love I’m willing to give.
My only condition is that I receive that love in return.
For family and friends, I don’t mind if they don't equally reciprocate the love I show them, but the standard for the man with whom I’ll spend my remaining days is much higher.
On family: yes, they are my own blood, but they have their own households and their own families to maintain and show concern towards.
On friends: they have their own affairs and their own families. The only non-emotional link I have with friends is common interests, which is not exactly tantamount to genetic similarities.
It seems like the men I’ve recently encountered (I should just say man, because I’m actually only referring to my ex) want the sacrifice and the unconditional love they’re not willing to give themselves.
That’s just not for me.
I don’t want a man who accepts and embraces everything I am, without making sure I at least know and understand him in return.
That’s just not good enough.
Me and this heart of mine, we’re fragile.
We have become resilient over the years, but we just wish the emotional resilience we've developed wasn’t so necessary for survival in this world.
We patiently, but eagerly await our other half, anticipating the great victory of overcoming this insatiable yearning for compatibility.
We don’t know ourselves like God knows us, but as far as our meager understanding is concerned, we are ready for love.
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His Awesome Splendor
Upon seeing this view, I knew I had to capture it.