Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year for More...

This upcoming year I will pray more, study the Word more, read more, love more, love more genuinely, guard my heart better, be honest more, save $ more, be more disciplined, be a better steward over what I've been entrusted with, trust God more, trust God with my whole heart, smile more, laugh more, give more of my possessions, give more of my time, give more of myself, tithe faithfully, live this life God has blessed me with more fully, visit friends more, study harder, sleep more (lol), hug more, show more kindness, give more of my time, and be more sociable.

[Longest sentence ever, right? :)]

The list may seem extensive, but it's all possible and it WILL all get done. I'm not promising any minimum amount of time or effort into any one resolution, but just committing to do more than I have been doing.

My final 'to do' is to refrain from making promises to myself, that I know I can't keep. Being realistic with myself is vital to being sincere with others.

I wish you an extraordinarily blessed new year full of God's PERFECT LOVE!!!!!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Happy New Year! I like what you wrote about making promises to yourself. I do that way to much and am all to easily disappointed.

His Awesome Splendor

His Awesome Splendor
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